Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We are still alive

Hello all! We are still alive. For those of you who thought we may have fallen into the Atlantic, we have not...not yet. We are really enjoying the island life here. The summer is pretty much over and the rain has started early this year. Dwayne got back a few weeks ago from a 6 week class that he took in the states and James and I are really enjoying having him home again. James is officially now in his terrible two's. He is very strong willed and knows what he wants! I have no idea where he gets this from! He is talking really well now and can count to ten, when he wants to. He is turning into such a cute little man. I bought him a sock monkey costume for Halloween and we are super excited to take him out Trick or Treating this year. It will be his first year dressing up and going out. Dwayne and I have also taken on the task of teaching the toddler Sunday School class at church. It's going to be challenging because they don't always get it, but to see them happy and learning about the Lord is pretty awesome! I am also involved at the base Chapel with MOPS (mothers of preschoolers). We get together twice a month with moms around the base and have breakfast together and chat about mom and woman things. It is so great to get that break from the kids for every mom there. Also being over here on this island can be hard with no family, so this gives moms a group to connect with and relate to. I am the Publicity Coordinator and in charge of getting the word out there about our meetings.

Well, that about sums it up for now. We pray that you all are safe and healthy and happy!

Love, The Bell Family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great documentary of life with the Bell family! Your picture is great! The "two monster" looks perfectly content in his back pack! Give him a hug for me.

My family has such a blog with my niece in NY. A great way to stay connected. You are loved and thought of and prayed for! Mary Lowell